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Expose Caddy from your private network

Custom reverse proxy with Caddy

In this tutorial we'll set up an inlets TCP tunnel server to forward ports 80 and 443 to a reverse proxy server running on our local machine. Caddy will receive a TCP stream from the public tunnel server for ports 80 and 443. It can terminate TLS and also allow you to host multiple sites with ease.

Caddy is a free and open-source reverse proxy. It's often used on web-servers to add TLS to one or more virtual websites.


  • A Linux server, Windows and MacOS are also supported
  • The inlets-pro binary at /usr/local/bin/
  • Access to a DNS control plane for a domain you control

You can run through the same instructions with other reverse proxies such as Nginx, or Traefik.

Scenario: * You want to share a file such as a VM image or a ISO over the Internet, with HTTPS, directly from your laptop. * You have one or more websites or APIs running on-premises or within your home-lab and want to expose them on the Internet.

Get your inlets subscription here

Setup your exit node

Provision a cloud VM on DigitalOcean or another IaaS provider using inletsctl:

inletsctl create \
 --provider digitalocean \
 --region lon1 \

Note the --url and TOKEN given to you in this step.

Setup your DNS A record

Setup a DNS A record for the site you want to expose using the public IP of the cloud VM

  • =

Run a local server to share files

Do not run this command in your home folder, as it will expose your entire home directory.

Instead, create a temporary directory and serve that instead:

mkdir -p /tmp/shared/
cd /tmp/shared/

echo "Hello world" > WELCOME.txt

inlets-pro fileserver --webroot ./ \

The command listens on port 8080 by default, but you can change is as desired with --port

The --allow-browsing flag allows directory listing and traversal through the browser.

If you're sharing files with a colleague or friend, you can add --allow-browsing=false and share the exact URL with them instead.

Start the inlets-pro client on your local side

Downloads the inlets Pro client:

sudo inletsctl download

Run the inlets-pro client, using the TOKEN and IP given to you from the previous step.

The client will look for your license in $HOME/.inlets/LICENSE, but you can also use the --license/--license-file flag if you wish.

export IP=""        # take this from the exit-server
export TOKEN=""     # take this from the exit-server

inlets-pro tcp client \
  --url wss://$IP:8123/connect \
  --ports 80,443 \
  --token $TOKEN \
  --upstream localhost

Note that --upstream localhost will connect to Caddy running on your computer, if you are running Caddy on another machine, use its IP address here.

Setup Caddy 2.x

Here's an example Caddyfile that will reverse-proxy to the local file-server using the domain name


reverse_proxy {

Note the acme_ca being used will receive a staging certificate, remove it to obtain a production TLS certificate.

Now download Caddy 2.x for your operating system. You can get it from the downloads page, or if you're a Linux user on an amd64 or arm64 machine, you can use arkade to do everything required via arkade system install caddy. See arkade system install --help for more options.

Once you have the binary, you can run it with the following command:

sudo ./caddy run \
  -config ./Caddyfile

sudo - is required to bind to port 80 and 443, although you can potentially update your OS to allow binding to low ports without root access. See this StackOverflow question for more.

You should now be able to access the fileserver via the URL.

If you wanted to expose something else like Grafana, you could simply edit your Caddyfile's reverse_proxy line, then restart Caddy.

Caddy also supports multiple domains within the same file, so that you can expose multiple internal or private websites through the same tunnel.

  email ""
} {
} {

If you have services running on other machines you can change to a different IP address such as that of your Raspberry Pi if you had something like OpenFaaS CE or faasd CE running there.

Check it all worked

You'll see that Caddy can now obtain a TLS certificate.

Go ahead and visit:

Congratulations, you've now served a TLS certificate directly from your laptop. You can close caddy and open it again at a later date. Caddy will re-use the certificate it already obtained and it will be valid for 3 months. To renew, just keep Caddy running or open it again whenever you need it.