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Authenticate HTTPs tunnels

Built-in HTTP Authentication

This page applies to inlets-pro 0.10.0 and onwards.

Services exposed over HTTP tunnels can have additional authentication added to them using a mechanism built-into inlets.

The inlets-pro http command provides three options:

  1. Basic Authentication
  2. Bearer Token Authentication
  3. OAuth

Basic Authentication

Basic authentication is a simple way to restrict access to your service by requiring a username and password.

When a user visits the URL of the service in a web-browser, they will be prompted to enter a username and password.

If they're using curl, then they can pass the username and password using the --user flag.

curl --user username:password

Or simply pass the username and password as part of the URL:


The username has a default of admin for brevity, but can be overridden if you like:

inlets-pro http client \
    --basic-auth-username admin \
    --basic-auth-password password \

You can generate a string password using the openssl command:

openssl rand -base64 32

Bearer Token Authentication

If you're exposing an endpoint that does not need to be accessed via a web-browser, then you can use Bearer Token Authentication.

This is useful for exposing endpoints that are used by mobile apps or other non-web clients.

To enable Bearer Token Authentication, you can use the --bearer-token flag when starting the inlets-pro http command.

inlets-pro http client \
    --bearer-token token \

Both Bearer Token and Basic Authentication can be used together by supplying both flags.

inlets-pro http client \
    --bearer-token token \
    --basic-auth-username admin \
    --basic-auth-password password \


With OAuth:

  • You can define access for multiple users using usernames or email addresses
  • Avoid managing credentials in your application
  • Use an existing well-known provider for authentication such as GitHub

The OAuth 2.0 flow requires a web-browser, so if you anticipate mixed use, then you can combine it with Bearer Token Authentication, for headless clients.

Example with

The example below will expose: using the domain name

In order to use GitHub as the OAuth provider, you need to create a new OAuth application.

  1. Go to GitHub Developer Settings
  2. Click on "New OAuth App"
  3. Enter a name for the application, for example inlets-tunnel
  4. Enter the callback URL, for example
  5. Click on "Register application"
  6. Click "Generate a new client secret"

You will be given a client ID and client secret, which you can use to authenticate with GitHub.

We suggest saving this in a convenient location, for example: ~/.inlets/oauth-client-id and ~/.inlets/oauth-client-secret.

inlets-pro http client \
    --oauth-client-id $(cat ~/.inlets/oauth-client-id) \
    --oauth-client-secret $(cat ~/.inlets/oauth-client-secret) \
    --upstream \
    --oauth-provider github \
    --oauth-acl alexellis \

Once authenticated, a cookie will be set on the domain i.e. and the user will be redirected back to the root URL of the service /.

The duration of the cookie defaults to 1 hour, but can be extended through the --oauth-cookie-ttl flag i.e.

inlets-pro http client \
+  --oauth-cookie-ttl 24h \

For the first version, GitHub is the only option available for the --oauth-provider. More options will be added over time, based upon requests from users, so if you want to use Google, Facebook, GitLab, etc, send us an email to help with prioritisation.