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HTTP Header Modification

This page applies to inlets-pro 0.10.0 and onwards.

When you expose a local service over a HTTP tunnel, it may need the headers of the request or those of the response to be modified.

The inlets-pro http command provides a mechanism to modify the headers of the request and response, without having to write an additional proxy to do so.

  1. Add a header to the request
  2. Add a header to the response
  3. Remove a header from the request
  4. Remove a header from the response

Each flag is provided in the format of either: Header or Header: Value, and can be provided multiple times to work on multiple headers.

Add a header to the request

To add a header to the request, you can use the --request-header-add flag.

For instance, if you have a client that calls the exposed service, but needs to add a special header like X-Special-Header to the request, you can do the following:

inlets-pro http client \
    --request-header-add "X-Special-Header: 1234567890"

Multiple headers can be added at once:

inlets-pro http client \
    --request-header-add "X-Special-Header: 1234567890" \
    --request-header-add "X-Another-Header: 0987654321"

Add a header to the response

To add a header to the HTTP response from the exposed service, you can use the --response-header-add flag.

For example, to add a header to the response from the server to enable CORS:

inlets-pro http client \
    --response-header-add "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"

Remove a header from the request

If you do not have control over the request headers because they are being sent by a third-party service or application, you can remove the ones you do not want to send.

Here is how you could remove the User-Agent header for privacy or security reasons:

inlets-pro http client \
    --request-header-remove User-Agent

Remove a header from the response

Let's say that you're using Caddy, and want to remove the X-Served-By header from the request for security or privacy reasons.

To remove a header from the request, you can use the --request-header-remove flag.

inlets-pro http client \
  --request-header-remove X-Served-By