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Generate YAML for a tunnel client

There are a number of ways to run the inlets-pro client in Kubernetes.

One way is to generate YAML for a Kubernetes Deployment, then apply it to your cluster.


  • A Kubernetes cluster
  • inlets-pro binary

Generate the YAML for a HTTP tunnel

If you have already created a HTTPS tunnel server, and want to connect a service from within your cluster to the tunnel server, then you can generate the YAML for a tunnel client.

For instance, if you wanted to expose the OpenFaaS gateway accessible at http://gateway.openfaas.svc.cluster.local:8080 to the Internet:

export URL=wss://
export TOKEN="TOKEN"

inlets-pro http client \
    --url $URL \
    --generate=k8s_yaml \
    --generate-name openfaas-gateway-tunnel \
    --upstream http://gateway.openfaas.svc.cluster.local:8080 \
    --token $TOKEN > openfaas-gateway-tunnel.yaml

Three objects will be outputted in the YAML:

  1. A Deployment for the inlets-pro binary
  2. A Secret for the license key
  3. A Service for the tunnel client

You can then apply the YAML to your cluster:

kubectl apply -f openfaas-gateway-tunnel.yaml

Based upon the name passed in --generate-name, the tunnel client will be named openfaas-gateway-tunnel-client, so you can check its logs with:

kubectl logs deploy/openfaas-gateway-tunnel-client -f

Generate the YAML for a TCP tunnel

The same commands will work for a TCP tunnel, i.e. for Ingress Nginx:

export URL=wss://
export TOKEN="TOKEN"

inlets-pro tcp client \
    --url $URL \
    --generate=k8s_yaml \
    --generate-name ingress-nginx-tunnel \
    --upstream ingress-nginx-controller.ingress-nginx.svc.cluster.local \
    --ports 80 \
    --ports 443 \
    --token $TOKEN > ingress-nginx-tunnel.yaml

You can then apply the YAML to your cluster.