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inlets-operator reference documentation

The inlets/inlets-operator brings LoadBalancers with public IP addresses to your local Kubernetes clusters.

It works by creating VMs and running an inlets Pro tunnel server for you, the VM's public IP is then attached to the cluster and an inlets client Pod runs for you.

For each provider, the minimum requirements tend to be:

  • An access token - for the operator to create VMs for inlets Pro servers
  • A region - where to create the VMs

Helm or Arkade?

You can install the inlets-operator's Helm chart using a single command with arkade. arkade is an open-source Kubernetes marketplace and easy to use. Helm involves more commands, and is preferred by power users.

You can subscribe to inlets for personal or commercial use via Gumroad

Tunnel Custom Resource Definition (CRD) and lifecycle

The inlets-operator uses a custom resource definition (CRD) to create tunnels. The CRD is called Tunnel and its full name is

$ kubectl get tunnels -n default
default     nginx-1-tunnel   nginx-1   active   2m45s

The CRD can be used to view and monitor tunnels. The HOSTSTATUS field shows the status of the tunnel, and the HOSTIP field shows the public IP address of the tunnel.

The tunnel's IP address will also be written directly to any Service with a type of LoadBalancer.

$ kubectl get svc -n default
NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP               PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP     <none>                    443/TCP        6m26s
nginx-1      LoadBalancer,   80:31194/TCP   4m21s

The lifecycle of a tunnel is tied to the Service in Kubernetes.

To delete a tunnel permanently, you can delete the Service:

kubectl delete svc nginx-1

To have the tunnel server re-created, you can delete the tunnel CustomResource, this causes the operator to re-create the tunnel:

kubectl delete tunnel nginx-1-tunnel

Bear in mind that if you delete your cluster before you delete the LoadBalancer service, then the inlets-operator will have no way to remove the tunnel servers that have been created for you. Therefore, you should always delete the LoadBalancer service before deleting the cluster. If you should forget, and delete your K3s or KinD cluster, then you can go into your cloud account and delete the VMs manually.

As a rule, the name of the VM will match the name of the service in Kubernetes.

Working with another LoadBalancer

If you're running metal-lb or kube-vip to provide local IP addresses for LoadBalancer services, then you can annotate the services you wish to expose to the Internet with, then set annotatedOnly: true in the inlets-operator Helm chart.

Install inlets-operator using arkade

export REGION=lon1
export PROVIDER=digitalocean

arkade install inlets-operator \
 --provider $PROVIDER \ # Name of the cloud provider to provision the exit-node on.
 --region $REGION \ # Used with cloud providers that require a region.
 --token-file $HOME/Downloads/do-access-token.txt # Token file/Service Account Key file with the access to the cloud provider.

Install inlets-operator using helm

The following instructions are a generic example, you should refer to each specific heading to understand how to create the required API keys for a given cloud provider.

  • Some providers require an access key, others also need a secret key.
  • Some providers only use a region, others use a zone and projectID too.
  • There are additional flags you can set via values.yaml or the --set flag.

You can view the inlets-operator chart on GitHub to learn more.

# Create a namespace for inlets-operator
kubectl create namespace inlets

# Create a secret to store the service account key file
kubectl create secret generic inlets-access-key \
  --namespace inlets \
  --from-file inlets-access-key=$HOME/Downloads/do-access-token.txt

# Create a secret to store the inlets-pro license
kubectl create secret generic \
  --namespace inlets \
  inlets-license --from-file license=$HOME/.inlets/LICENSE

# Add and update the inlets-operator helm repo
# You only need to do this once.
helm repo add inlets

export REGION=lon1
export PROVIDER=digitalocean

# Update the Helm repository and perform an installation
helm repo update && \
  helm upgrade inlets-operator --install inlets/inlets-operator \
  --namespace inlets \
  --set provider=$PROVIDER \
  --set region=$REGION

Instructions per cloud

Create tunnel servers on DigitalOcean

The DigitalOcean provider is fast, cost effective and easy to set it. It's recommended for most users.

Create an API access token with full read/write permissions and save it to: $HOME/Downloads/do-access-token.txt.

Now, install the chart with arkade using the above options:

arkade install inlets-operator \
 --provider digitalocean \
 --region lon1 \
 --token-file $HOME/Downloads/do-access-token.txt

If you have the DigitalOcean CLI (doctl) installed, then you can use it to list available regions and their codes to input into the above command. Bear in mind that some regions are showing no availability for starting new VMs.

doctl compute region ls
Slug    Name               Available
nyc1    New York 1         true
sfo1    San Francisco 1    false
nyc2    New York 2         false
ams2    Amsterdam 2        false
sgp1    Singapore 1        true
lon1    London 1           true
nyc3    New York 3         true
ams3    Amsterdam 3        true
fra1    Frankfurt 1        true
tor1    Toronto 1          true
sfo2    San Francisco 2    true
blr1    Bangalore 1        true
sfo3    San Francisco 3    true
syd1    Sydney 1           true

Create tunnel servers on AWS EC2

Instructions for AWS EC2

To use the instructions below you must have the AWS CLI configured with sufficient permissions to create users and roles.

  • Create a AWS IAM Policy with the following:

Create a file named policy.json with the following content

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": ["*"]

Create the policy in AWS

aws iam create-policy --policy-name inlets-automation --policy-document file://policy.json
  • Create an IAM user
aws iam create-user --user-name inlets-automation
  • Add the Policy to the IAM user

We need to use the policy arn generated above, it should have been printed to the console on success. It also follows the format below.

export AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER="Your AWS Account Number"
aws iam attach-user-policy --user-name inlets-automation --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER}:policy/inlets-automation
  • Generate an access key for your IAM User

The below commands will create a set of credentials and save them into files for use later on.

we are using jq here. It can be installed using the link provided. Alternatively you can print ACCESS_KEY_JSON and create the files manually.

ACCESS_KEY_JSON=$(aws iam create-access-key --user-name inlets-automation)
echo $ACCESS_KEY_JSON | jq -r .AccessKey.AccessKeyId > ~/Downloads/aws-access-key
echo $ACCESS_KEY_JSON | jq -r .AccessKey.SecretAccessKey > ~/Downloads/aws-secret-access-key

Install the chart with arkade using the above options:

arkade install inlets-operator \
 --provider ec2 \
 --region eu-west-1 \
 --token-file $HOME/Downloads/aws-access-key \
 --secret-key-file $HOME/Downloads/aws-secret-access-key

Create tunnel servers on Google Compute Engine (GCE)

Instructions for Google Cloud

It is assumed that you have gcloud installed and configured on your machine. If not, then follow the instructions here

To get your service account key file, follow the steps below:

# Get current projectID
export PROJECTID=$(gcloud config get-value core/project 2>/dev/null)

# Create a service account
gcloud iam service-accounts create inlets \
  --description "inlets-operator service account" \
  --display-name "inlets"

# Get service account email
export SERVICEACCOUNT=$(gcloud iam service-accounts list | grep inlets | awk '{print $2}')

# Assign appropriate roles to inlets service account
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECTID \
  --member serviceAccount:$SERVICEACCOUNT \
  --role roles/compute.admin

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECTID \
  --member serviceAccount:$SERVICEACCOUNT \
  --role roles/iam.serviceAccountUser

# Create inlets service account key file
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json \
  --iam-account $SERVICEACCOUNT

Install the chart with arkade using the above options:

arkade install inlets-operator \
    --provider gce \
    --project-id $PROJECTID \
    --zone us-central1-a \
    --token-file key.json

Create tunnel servers on Hetzner

Create an API key with read/write access, save it to ~/hetzner.txt.

arkade install inlets-operator \
    --provider hetzner \
    --region eu-central \
    --token-file ~/hetzner.txt

Create tunnel servers on Azure

Instructions for Azure


Generate Azure authentication file:

az ad sp create-for-rbac --role Contributor --scopes "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID" --sdk-auth \
  > $HOME/Downloads/client_credentials.json

Find your region code with:

az account list-locations -o table

DisplayName               Name                 RegionalDisplayName
------------------------  -------------------  -------------------------------------
United Kingdom            ukwest               United Kingdom

Install using helm:

export AZURE_REGION="ukwest"
export INLETS_LICENSE="$(cat ~/.inlets/LICENSE)"
export ACCESS_KEY="$HOME/Downloads/client_credentials.json"

kubectl create secret generic inlets-access-key \

helm repo add inlets
helm repo update

helm upgrade inlets-operator --install inlets/inlets-operator \
  --set provider=azure,region=$AZURE_REGION \
  --set subscriptionID=$SUBSCRIPTION_ID

Create tunnel servers on Linode

Instructions for Linode

Install using helm:

# Create a secret to store the service account key file
kubectl create secret generic inlets-access-key --from-literal inlets-access-key=<Linode API Access Key>

# Add and update the inlets-operator helm repo
helm repo add inlets

helm repo update

# Install inlets-operator with the required fields
helm upgrade inlets-operator --install inlets/inlets-operator \
  --set provider=linode \
  --set region=us-east

You can also install the inlets-operator using a single command using arkade, arkade runs against any Kubernetes cluster.

Install the chart with arkade using the above options:

bash arkade install inlets-operator \ --provider linode \ --region us-east \ --access-key $LINODE_ACCESS_KEY