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Become an inlets uplink provider

inlets uplink makes it easy for Service Providers and SaaS companies to deliver their product and services to customer networks.

To become a provider, you'll need a Kubernetes cluster, an inlets uplink subscription and to install the inlets-uplink-provider Helm chart.

Before you start

Before you start, you'll need the following:

  • A Kubernetes cluster with LoadBalancer capabilities (i.e. public cloud).
  • A domain name clients can use to connect to the tunnel control plane.
  • An inlets uplink license (an inlets-pro license cannot be used)
  • Optional: arkade - a tool for installing popular Kubernetes tools

    To install arkade run:

    curl -sSLf | sudo sh

Inlets uplink has its own independent subscription from inlets-pro.

Sign-up here: inlets uplink plans.

Create a Kubernetes cluster

We recommend creating a Kubernetes cluster with a minimum of three nodes. Each node should have a minimum of 2GB of RAM and 2 CPU cores.

Install cert-manager

Install cert-manager, which is used to manage TLS certificates for inlets-uplink.

You can use Helm, or arkade:

arkade install cert-manager

Make sure to create the target namespace for you installation first.

kubectl create namespace inlets

Create the required secret with your inlets-uplink license.

Check that your license key is in lower-case

There is a known issue with LemonSqueezy where the UI will copy the license key in lower-case, it needs to be converted to upper-case before being used with Inlets Uplink.

Convert the license to upper-case, if it's in lower-case:

  mv $HOME/.inlets/LICENSE_UPLINK{,.lower}

  cat $HOME/.inlets/LICENSE_UPLINK.lower | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' > $HOME/.inlets/LICENSE_UPLINK
  rm $HOME/.inlets/LICENSE_UPLINK.lower

Create the secret for the license:

kubectl create secret generic \
  -n inlets inlets-uplink-license \
  --from-file license=$HOME/.inlets/LICENSE_UPLINK

Setup up ingress for customer tunnels

Tunnels on your customers' network will connect to your own inlets-uplink-provider.

There are two options for deploying the inlets-uplink-provider.

Use Option A if you're not sure, if your team already uses Istio or prefers Istio, use Option B.

A) Install with Kubernetes Ingress

We recommend ingress-nginx, and have finely tuned the configuration to work well for the underlying websocket for inlets. That said, you can change the IngressController if you wish.

Install ingress-nginx using arkade or Helm:

arkade install ingress-nginx

Create a values.yaml file for the inlets-uplink-provider chart:

  # Customer tunnels will connect with a URI of:
  # wss://

    issuerName: letsencrypt-prod

    # When set, a production issuer will be generated for you
    # to use a pre-existing issuer, set issuer.enabled=false
      # Create a production issuer as part of the chart installation
      enabled: true

      # Email address used for ACME registration for the production issuer
      email: ""

      enabled: true
      class: "nginx"      

Make sure to replace the domain and email with your actual domain name and email address.

Want to use the staging issuer for testing?

To use the Let's Encrypt staging issuer, pre-create your own issuer, update clientRouter.tls.issuerName with the name you have chosen, and then update clientRouter.tls.issuer.enabled and set it to false.

B) Install with Istio

We have added support in the inlets-uplink chart for Istio to make it as simple as possible to configure with a HTTP01 challenge.

If you don't have Istio setup already you can deploy it with arkade.

arkade install istio

Label the inlets namespace so that Istio can inject its sidecars:

kubectl label namespace inlets \
  istio-injection=enabled --overwrite

Create a values.yaml file for the inlets-uplink chart:

  # Customer tunnels will connect with a URI of:
  # wss://

    issuerName: letsencrypt-prod

    # When set, a production issuer will be generated for you
    # to use a pre-existing issuer, set issuer.enabled=false
      # Create a production issuer as part of the chart installation
      enabled: true

      # Email address used for ACME registration for the production issuer
      email: ""

      enabled: true

Make sure to replace the domain and email with your actual domain name and email address.

Deploy with Helm

The chart is served through a container registry (OCI), not GitHub pages

Many Helm charts are served over GitHub pages, from a public repository, making it easy to browse and read the source code. We are using an OCI artifact in a container registry, which makes for a more modern alternative. If you want to browse the source, you can simply run helm template instead of helm upgrade.


The chart artifacts are public and do not require authentication, however if you run into an "Access denied" or authorization error when interacting with, try running helm registry login to refresh your credentials, or docker logout

The Helm chart is called inlets-uplink-provider, you can deploy it using the custom values.yaml file created above:

helm upgrade --install inlets-uplink \
  oci:// \
  --namespace inlets \
  --values ./values.yaml

If you want to pin the version of the Helm chart, you can do so with the --version flag.

Where can I see the various options for values.yaml?

All of the various options for the Helm chart are documented in the configuration reference.

How can I view the source code?

See the note on helm template under the configuration reference.

How can I find the latest version of the chart?

If you omit a version, Helm will use the latest published OCI artifact, however if you do want to pin it, you can browse all versions of the Helm chart on GitHub

As an alternative to using's UI, you can get the list of tags, including the latest tag via the crane CLI:

arkade get crane

# List versions
crane ls

# Get the latest version
LATEST=$(crane ls |tail -n 1)
echo $LATEST

Verify the installation

Once you've installed inlets-uplink, you can verify it is deployed correctly by checking the inlets namespace for running pods:

$ kubectl get pods --namespace inlets

NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
client-router-b5857cf6f-7vrdh      1/1     Running   0          92s
prometheus-74d8d7db9b-2hptm        1/1     Running   0          16s
uplink-operator-7fccc9bdbc-twd2q   1/1     Running   0          92s

You should see the client-router and cloud-operator in a Running state.

If you installed inlets-uplink with Kubernetes ingress, you can verify that ingress for the client-router is setup and that a TLS certificate is issued for your domain using these two commands:

$ kubectl get -n inlets ingress/client-router

NAME            CLASS    HOSTS                ADDRESS           PORTS     AGE
client-router   <none>   80, 443   31m
$ kubectl get -n inlets cert/client-router-cert

NAME                 READY   SECRET               AGE
client-router-cert   True    client-router-cert   30m

Download the tunnel CLI

We provide a CLI to help you create and manage tunnels. It is available as a plugin for the inlets-pro CLI.

Download the inlets-pro binary:

Get the tunnel plugin:

inlets-pro plugin get tunnel

Run inlets-pro tunnel --help to see all available commands.

Setup the first customer tunnel

Continue the setup here: Create a customer tunnel

Upgrading the chart and components

If you have a copy of values.yaml with pinned image versions, you should update these manually.

Next, run the Helm chart installation command again, and remember to use the sames values.yaml file that you used to install the software originally.

Over time, you may find using a tool like FluxCD or ArgoCD to manage the installation and updates makes more sense than running Helm commands manually.

If the Custom Resource Definition (CRD) has changed, you can extract it from the Chart repo and install it before or after upgrading. As a rule, Helm won't install or upgrade CRDs a second time if there's already an existing version:

helm template oci:// \
  --include-crds=true \

kubectl apply -f /

Upgrading existing customer tunnels

The operator will upgrade the image: version of all deployed inlets uplink tunnels automatically based upon the tag set in values.yaml.

If no value is set in your overridden values.yaml file, then whatever the default is in the chart will be used.

inletsVersion: 0.9.23

When a tunnel is upgraded, you'll see a log line like this:

2024-01-11T12:25:15.442Z        info    operator/controller.go:860      Upgrading version       {"tunnel": "ce.inlets", "from": "0.9.21", "to": "0.9.23"}

Configuration reference

Looking for the source for the Helm chart? The source is published directly to a container registry as an OCI bundle. View the source with: helm template oci://

If you need a configuration option outside of what's already available, feel free to raise an issue on the inlets-pro repository.

Overview of inlets-uplink parameters in values.yaml.

Parameter Description Default
pullPolicy The a imagePullPolicy applied to inlets-uplink components. Always
operator.image Container image used for the uplink operator.
clientRouter.image Container image used for the client router.
clientRouter.domain Domain name for inlets uplink. Customer tunnels will connect with a URI of: wss:// ""
clientRouter.tls.issuerName Name of cert-manager Issuer for the clientRouter domain. letsencrypt-prod
clientRouter.tls.issuer.enabled Create a cert-manager Issuer for the clientRouter domain. Set to false if you wish to specify your own pre-existing object in the clientRouter.tls.issuerName field. true Let's Encrypt email. Only used for certificate renewing notifications. ""
clientRouter.tls.ingress.enabled Enable ingress for the client router. enabled
clientRouter.tls.ingress.class Ingress class for client router ingress. nginx
clientRouter.tls.ingress.annotations Annotations to be added to the client router ingress resource. {}
clientRouter.tls.istio.enabled Use an Istio Gateway for incoming traffic to the client router. false
clientRouter.service.type Client router service type ClusterIP
clientRouter.service.nodePort Client router service port for NodePort service type, assigned automatically when left empty. (only if clientRouter.service.type is set to "NodePort") nil
tunnelsNamespace Deployments, Services and Secrets will be created in this namespace. Leave blank for a cluster-wide scope, with tunnels in multiple namespaces. ""
inletsVersion Inlets Pro release version for tunnel server Pods. 0.9.12
clientApi.enabled Enable tunnel management REST API. false
clientApi.image Container image used for the client API.
prometheus.create Create the Prometheus monitoring component. true
prometheus.resources Resource limits and requests for prometheus containers. {}
prometheus.image Container image used for prometheus. prom/prometheus:v2.40.1
prometheus.service.type Prometheus service type ClusterIP
prometheus.service.nodePort Prometheus service port for NodePort service type, assigned automatically when left empty. (only if prometheus.service.type is set to "NodePort") nil
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment. {}
affinity Node affinity for pod assignments. {}
tolerations Node tolerations for pod assignment. []

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install

Telemetry and usage data

The inlets-uplink Kubernetes operator will send telemetry data to OpenFaaS Ltd on a periodic basis. This information is used for calculating accurate usage metrics for billing purposes. This data is sent over HTTPS, does not contain any personal information, and is not shared with any third parties.

This data includes the following:

  • Number of tunnels deployed
  • Number of namespaces with at least one tunnel contained
  • Kubernetes version
  • Inlets Uplink version
  • Number of installations of Inlets Uplink